17th May 2003 19th May 2003

18th May 2003 - Nordegg to Jasper

11:00am: Mistaya Falls and Canyon.

2:00pm: We're standing on the Athabasca Glacier. That big bus you see is how we got here. The ice is moving while we're standing on it, but only a few mm each day. It's a little chilly up here ...

4:15pm: Sunwapta and Athabasca Falls. I can't remember which one came first and I don't have a map here to check.

5:45pm: Arrive in Jasper where we've decided to stay for the next couple of nights. We're staying at Columbine House. We discover that there are three Internet Cafes in town so we can finally upload some photos. We run out of time to write notes though.